Summary of Chapter Dues
Chapter membership is required for ACTIVE MEMBERS and requires, in most cases, an additional annual dues fee. It is strongly recommended that you belong to your local chapter to derive the maximum benefit for your company. You may, however, belong to any chapter in addition to or in place of your local chapter. EASA’s chapters foster increased cooperation and fellowship by affording members opportunities to meet and exchange ideas and solutions to common problems. EASA’s chapters also keep members informed of industry trends through conferences, exhibitions and business meetings.
Australasian - $100 | Northern California - $90 |
Central District - $40 + 12 for each employee | Ohio/West Virginia - $25 |
Europe Asia Africa - $795 | Ontario - $100 |
Great Lakes - $75 | Pacific Northwest - $125 |
Greater Cleveland - $75 | Quebec & Maritimes - $140 |
Indiana - $50 | Rocky Mountain - $225 |
Mid Atlantic - $50 | South Central - $100 |
Midwestern - $25 | Southeastern - $100 |
Mountain Empire - $125 | Southern California - $75 |
New Zealand - $225 | Southwestern - $90 |
North Central - $100 | Western Canada - $50 |
Northeastern - $50 | Western Michigan - None |